Saturday, November 9, 2013

67 Things I Wish I Had Known at 18

       I recently stumbled across this post on Facebook, normally I don't click on links like this but for some reason I was drawn to this one. I thought it had some really sound advice for young twenty-something girls and after reading it I admitted there are some things on the list I do, and others that I need to work on...

Some of my favorites:
#4: Love yourself, sometimes it's all you have
#18: Hug your friends, cherish them and hold them tight
#37: Push yourself, you'd be amazed at what you are capable of
#42: Trust your instincts
#44: Take pictures, lots and lots of pictures
#52: Be honest with others

What do you wish you had known at 18?
Anything on this list you relate to?


  1. Although I am a little younger than 18, #4 love yourself, sometimes it's all you have, is something that I struggle with and am trying to work on. I love this post, it's absolutely perfect :) And I love your blog I just followed!

  2. I wished I had trusted my instincts more! Great list!

    Ashley | History in High Heels

  3. Great list and post!


  4. #44 is something I need to remember to this day. I've never left confident in pictures, therefore I never took them - of me, of my friends, etc. But now I look back and there's so many memories I wish I would have documented. I tried making that my New Years Resolution to take more pictures with my actual point-and-shoot camera, but I failed. Definitely a goal for next year!!

    carelessly graceful

  5. Number 18 is so true - you don't realize until later in life that life gets in the way and you see your friends less and less! I cherish the times we all get to hang out together now!

  6. #Love Yourself#
    That is the most important lesson in life.

    Style Nirvana


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